The answer is Jesus. This is why Jesus came, to free us from the powers of this world. Who the son sets free is free indeed.

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This is good. But he touches on so many things and does not explain what he means. He’s assuming we know what he’s talking about. It wound be great if you could break this down into multiple shows and topics.

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I was being vague for a reason. This is a very sensitive subject. People that speak about this topic are targeted because criminals hate being exposed and opposed. However, I will continue to post information about this that is already in the public domain.

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These are the modern day Canaanites... aka Phoenicians

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the word "cannibalism" comes from Canaan and the demon god Baal. Eustace Mullins, The Curse of Canaan p. 12 (1987). By eating fair-skinned persons, he was told, his descendants would regain their superior qualities. Eustace Mullins, The Curse of Canaan p. 11 (1987).

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Thank you so much! Aloha 🌺

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