"I believe sometime in the future, the beings that operate these cosmic craft will reveal themselves and awaken all those who are still sleep walking through life."

I like this quote, though I wonder if we are just hoping other beings will do the work we ourselves largely refuse to do. Still, for those of us who are not sleep walking through life..it seems like an attractive short cut, because it is exhausting just being surrounded by sleepers oftentimes. Thanks for the interesting post.

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It's so simple. The current alien presence, The hybridization agenda, WEF agenda, Agenda 2020, Agenda 2035 and the agendas that everyone sees coming down on our heads like a sledge hammer is all the same agenda. In 2012 Robert, you and I compared life notes on our similar upbringing and extraordinary life experiences that seemed to interweave the alien presence, psychic and spiritual forces all together into what appears to be a complex hidden movement toward the giving up of our planetary sovereignty to powers that claim to be our saviors and that those affected by the influence also claim to be our friend.

We did an interview that openly challenged the "False Messiah", "Pindar" or whatever one likes to call the new controlling entity. I immediately came under attack via an 8 hour dream, a dream that so terrified me that I withdrew from all engagement with the issue for a year.

Compare the planetary sovereignty issue as it is laid out in The Urantia Book , "Lucifer's sin", orgy of darkness and death" manifesto against "The Universe Administration" because of his Declaration of planetary sovereignty, compared to The Allies of Humanity Briefings which tell us that our human consensus of a Declaration of Sovereignty is our only hope of a free humanity.

Someone is lying. We have to figure out which.

If you have the context to grasp what I am saying here, the conflict here between the UB and Allies Briefings, it might be time to compare notes again and not personally offend the Pindar this time. One night with The Beast is enough for one lifetime. I'm lucky to have a mind left.

Let's interview again sometime Robert. Life's short and we've come a long way baby. Sometimes you are the only one who may see and know of something. It's a tragedy to take those to the grave.

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very well written, Robert. compelling history that your family has this phenomena. Thank you.

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Thanks David. I forgot to include some information re. the final photos. Will send an update soon...

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Cool, thanks.

Cool that Yogananda partook in Ufology along with his wonderful chanting and magical observations.

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