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In the early 1960's, Commander Robert O. Dean was assigned to SHAPE (Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers, Europe) then located near Paris, France. Commander Dean was advanced to the highest security clearance NATO has - COSMIC - and assigned to SHOC (Supreme Headquarters Operations Center) war room.
Early one morning, a SHOC controller withdrew a huge document from a vault, entitled "Assessment: An Evaluation of a Possible Military Threat to Allied Forces in Europe #3 Cosmic Top Secret."
Commander Dean was then allowed to read this highly detailed NATO report on UFOs and extraterrestrial activity compiled by military representatives from every NATO nation with contributions from the best scientists at Cambridge, Oxford, MIT and other universities.
Since that time, Mr. Dean has dedicated his life to researching and educating audiences around the world about Earth's governments' knowledge of UFOs and ETs. He was kind enough to grant me an interview and extend a hand of friendship and collaboration.
UNICUS: You mention in your lectures that everyone on Earth had their own agenda. What do you think our global governments and military are doing to prepare to interface with the ETs agenda?
DEAN: Well frankly, not enough. First of all, I don't think they started preparing early enough, and secondly I don't think they started really addressing the issue to the point. However, I think that the recent surge of UFO subject matter on TV and in movies indicates that there is some kind of program underway. I have been told that there are 28 different shows that will be coming out in the next 12 months.
The FOX television network has come out with the first of a new series called Encounters. In July, ShowTime cable movie station aired Roswell: The Movie. Someone has decided that they have to get some of this information out.
However, I fault them for not starting early enough, and for not taking the public into their confidence early on. I fault them for trying to lie to all of the people all of the time, and I fault them frankly for underestimating the American people. I think the public can deal with this if it is presented in the proper way.
UNICUS: You have been privately conducting research on this subject for about 30 years now, and you are convinced that we are related physically, culturally and spiritually to at least one of the know races of ETs that are visiting us. How did mankind forget such an important link in its evolution?
DEAN: The human race is made up of a bunch of damn mavericks. We have a tendency to sometimes take something that is beautiful and true and screw it up. For example, about 2,000 years ago, a very loving young man in Galilee had some beautiful stories to tell and some great truths to share. He tried to do that, and look what happened to what he tried to say.
Not only did they turn it into a religion, which he did not want them to do; they edited, and rewrote some of it and turned it into a political structure. I am talking about organized Christianity. I am not just throwing stones at the Catholic Church; I throw stones at all of them. They have taken something very true and very beautiful and misinterpreted it.
I am convinced that the young man in Galilee was part of this ongoing interplanetary relationship. I don't think his life was an accident. I think he was basically what he said he was, and they tried to turn him into something else because we tend to do that. Even in ancient times, in Greece and Rome, we deified the visitors (from space) and they never wanted that.
Granted there may have been a few along the way who enjoyed it, but basically the ET's policy concerning us was that they did not want us to deify them, they wanted to help us grow up by facing the reality that we are not alone and help us mature enough so that we could stop beating the hell out of one another.
I think this current cycle that we are going through is not a new or unusual cycle, it has probably happened in the Universe hundreds, if not thousands of times already.
UNICUS: Zechariah Sitchin's work is in agreement with your own research. In his series The Earth Chronicles, he makes many well-documented references to the government of the gods being handed down to mankind. Do you think we are still living under their political influence?
DEAN: To some degree, yes. However, this is a very subtle affair. Ho do you carefully, gently, lovingly interrelate with a race, to help them grow up, and not rock the boat too much so they don't go running hysterically into the streets?
I admire Zechariah, he is one of the few people who had done his homework. When I talked to him in Chicago a while back, I said 'You know the whole program is still going on, they are still intimately involved with us?'
He gave me a strange grin and said, "Read my next book." I keep hoping that he will specifically come out and say that. I do believe it's true and I think that at some level they have saved our ass a time or two.
Apparently there has been some overt involvement in government with both Russia and the United States. Certain individuals have been reported to appear to leading officials.
The story I heard out of the Kremlin is that it happened to Michael Gorbachev at a Procedium meeting. I also heard from a few independent sources that a certain visitor appeared to Bush and Gorbachev on a battleship at Malta, during a summit a while back.
There was an incredible situation that occurred at an ICBM silo, in South Dakota. The ETs came down and lifted the lid off of one of the silos, which weighed 40 to 50 tons. When the security personnel responded, after all the alarms went off, they found the lid pulled off and set aside like we put aside a package of butter.
After the large UFO left the area, they went into the silo and found that the nuclear warhead had been melted, and the guidance system was so badly scrambled God knows where it would have gone if it had been launched.
When we finally had enough courage to share what had happened with the Russians, through other countries intelligence agencies, we discovered that exactly the same kind of incident had occurred in Russia.
I think that when President Regan finally decided it was time to share that we know what they knew, that is what led to some of the comments Regan and Gorbachev came out with regarding ETs and global politics.
UNICUS: About the report entitled Fire Officer's Guide, Chapter 13: UFOs a Threat? - that uses a hypothetical situation where a UFO crashes in a populated area. You said that you believed this portion of the fire officer's manual was based on a real event. Why?
DEAN: I have been in touch with the Long Island MUFON Group. Apparently, in November of 1992, a couple of UFOs crashed near the Brookhaven National Laboratory in Long Island. One of them went down right near a freeway and burned fiercely for hours.
The other object landed in the middle of a street in a small community and did not burn. The story I was told by witnesses is that these were both extraterrestrial objects, and when the guys from the local fired departments arrived on the scene the shock of what they were seeing was more than they had ever been prepared to deal with.
Not only were they dealing with a piece of exotic hardware, that was totally alien, but the were dealing with alien bodies. Then the Brookhaven Fire Department showed up, and even some of their guys were having a problem coping with the situation, but they did try to clean it up, haul away all the wreckage and they the big political cover-up began. It was that incident and probably a few others that led to the publishing of this manual.
UNICUS: Regarding Earth's current policy toward UFO visitation in general, are we still operating in an intercept at any cost mode?
DEAN: They revoked the shooting order a number of years ago. There was briefly an intercept and shoot order issued some time back. They learned real fast, first hand that was not a good idea. This is a hairy subject for the guys in authority. We are not dealing with one group of ETs.
Apparently, on an official level, we have established a relationship with at least one of the groups visiting earth. There are a couple of others we have not made any kind of arrangement with and don't necessarily know what some of the others motives are.
As far as I know, our current policy does not condone shooting at them, but we do try and find out as much as possible about them. Jets will respond when there have been fly overs and possible landings, to photograph as much as they can.
UNICUS: Have you seen the clear civilian photographs taken in Puerto Rico, which show F-14s flying around a hovering UFO, where witnesses claim that at least one of the military jets disappeared after coming close to the UFO?
DEAN: Yes, and as far as I know the F-14s didn't shoot at the UFO. They were just making a few reconnaissance passes. Apparently, the pilots involved in that incident were abducted after getting too close.
The U.S. has already lost six F-14s down in Puerto Rico. I have their tail numbers, squadron numbers and the name of the aircraft carrier they were flying off of. That is a pretty sensitive secret, but there have been rumors leaked that the pilots are all right. A Naval spokesman has said, through a number of different people, that they know where the pilots are being held and that they are okay.
UNICUS: There are reports, from various sources, of a growing political, philosophical and moral division among the many different Federal and Military Intelligence Agencies. How do you think these agencies can become more united regarding the ET presence in general?
DEAN: The difference of opinion is a real situation that has been going on for a number of years. There are two different groups in our government, at different levels, working on this issue. One group wanted to get the information our to the public sometime ago. The other group not only said no, but hell no!
That situation could be resolved with a little firm leadership and solid policy making from the top. A strong President, with a strong Congress behind him could inform these groups that this is a democratic institutional form of government, and then spell out what we need to do without all the bullshit.
I think one of the things that has kept me alive, is that I have been trying to help government at some level to put together a sound, workable, informational and educational program on this issue to start really telling the American people what has been going on regarding the ETs, and where we fit into this incredible Universe we live in.
I think that more that can be done. I don't think it is being done fast enough. I don't think they have seriously made up their minds to really do this, and we are running out of time. I don't exactly know what the visitor’s agenda is, but I have a nagging suspicion that they are becoming a little impatient with us.
I am writing a book entitled "The Time Has Come" which details how we are ready to address this issue in the open. We need to stand up and acknowledge their existence. We have known it for a long time. We would like to join the club. It's time for us to graduate, mature and evolve.
We have got to say openly that we would like to be a part of the bigger picture, but we are not quite ready - we need a little help. I think we need to express and address that issue now globally. They didn't create us and help us evolve and genetically work with us over the centuries to make us into foolish children or mere servants.
I think they have as much interest as we should have about growing up and taking our place in the Universal community. I am convinced that if our governments, on a global basis, addressed and inform the people on this issue that mankind would obtain more help than we ever imagined.
UNICUS: You stated that we are all immortal beings who chose to be here at this time for mankind's next evolutionary leap forward. What role should spirituality play in government?
DEAN: That is a damn good question! It should play a role. It does. However, it doesn't play as big a role as it should have. If you are a student of history you know that way the United States of America was founded, the religious and spiritual factor played a major role.
Our founding fathers knew that, they all know that this nation was literally formed under God. We have gotten away from that a little bit over the last couple of hundred years due to this Newtonian, reductionist science we became involved in.
When I talk about spirituality I am not talking about religion - I am talking about the human spirit, which transcends religion. Every Moslem, every Jew, every Christian, every Buddhist and every Hindu on this planet has the same spirit - the same spark of God inside him.
When people are addressed and dealt with on that level, rather than perceiving them as secular entities, then we really can begin to grow up and become what we should be.
The human race has got to come to terms with its unity - we are all one. Gandhi, for example, had a worldview that transcended Hinduism. He saw the spirit of light on a worldwide basis. When we tap into that spiritual power our potential is infinite.
UNICUS: You have spent a tremendous amount of time and energy speaking on TV, radio and at public and private conferences - why is the subject of UFOs and ETs so important to you?
DEAN: That's a question that I've asked myself a few times. In fact my son Eric recently asked, "Pop. Why the Hell aren't you sitting back and enjoying retirement smoking good cigars and drinking good bourbon and flirting with young girls?"
And I said, "That's a fine question." Having dug into this issue over the years and learned a little bit about what is really going on from inside the military and the FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency I have concluded that this is literally the most important issue in the history of the human race.
The fact is simply this: We are not alone and apparently have never been alone and there has been what I call an intimate interrelationship between advanced extraterrestrial intelligence and ourselves. And that intimate interrelationship I think is the crux of the matter.
It's not as if the ETs first found us in 1947. That's bull! They have known about us since the beginning of recorded history. And that's why I take my hat off to Zecharia Sitchin and his incredibly monumental work.
And I respect a man in England by the name of Christian O'Brien who is a scholar who has done similar work as Sitchin.
And there is another man over in Santa Fe, New Mexico who is a writer and philosopher and a researcher that I admire by the name of Neil Freer. And Neil has written a few books on basically the same subject.
So the question comes down my friend - they have been a part of our lives since the beginning - why? And I guess the answer is they had a hand in our being here. But it appears to me that in the last few years the agenda, the program, the plan whatever you wish to call it has been accelerated.
And I think that as a result of our development is technology we have reached a point where we can literally eliminate ourselves as a species. I mean because we can kill ourselves off in many different ways I think that we have reached a defining moment in time where our species either will make it or it won't. I think some help. I think we've got some type of help out there.
I think there are some advanced intelligence that not only had a hand in our being here, but I think they have a commitment to helping us or seeing us survive as a race.
UNICUS: I agree, but they can't do it for us. They can only assist us.
DEAN: That's the whole point! They can't do it for us. The analogy I use is a loving parent with a couple of adolescent kids who are in trouble doing one thing after another being arrested by the cops and breaking the speed limit and smoking pot does a loving parent just wash their hands or walk away?
UNICUS: No. Not if their motivation is love.
DEAN: A loving parent and I hope this analogy is fairly accurate, but a loving parent or an older brother will say, "Look. I can help in some way." They will give some guidance.
They will encourage subtly, gently instead of moving in and taking over and laying down the law. If they instead show by example and patiently assist and encourage they will have a positive effect. And this is what has happened to us. And it has been going on for quite a while.
UNICUS: I agree.
DEAN: And that's why I'm interested. You see if the people on this planet can't simply face the reality and accept it and confront the truth that we are not alone and that we've never been alone.
I think that simple act on the part of individuals here on this planet will literally lead to an expansion of consciousness on their part. And the human race desperately needs to expand its sense of awareness and it's consciousness because that's the critical thing.
That's the crux that will help us make it or not make it. I think we began to grasp and expand our awareness and I'm not talking about technology I'm talking about spiritual and sociological and psychological awareness.In a nutshell, that's why I'm doing my work in this field.
UNICUS: In our last interview, you condemned organized religion for being politically manipulative. And you have publicly stated that we are immortal, spiritual beings that chose to be here for mankind's next evolutionary leap forward. I see that as a very spiritually advance perspective and am curious how you came to that realization.
DEAN: Let me make a point here. There is a hell of a difference between religion and spirituality. I'm convinced that the entire series of events that took place in Galilee about 2,000 years ago were orchestrated by our brothers and cousins from the cosmos. I believe the entire lifetime of Jesus, who literally was the foundation of the entire Christian Church, was part of the program.
UNICUS: Have you read Date With the Gods, by Charles Sillva?
DEAN: Who?
UNICUS: It’s a very rare book that has been out of print for decades.
DEAN: No. I've never heard of that.
UNICUS: I think that you would love reading this story as it explains how and why the ETs placed the advanced soul we know as Jesus on earth. It parallels exactly what you have stated.
It is specific information imparted by an extraterrestrial named Rama who was living in a mountain base high in the Andes Mountains. That area is well known as an operational site for UFO activity. And in this book, they specifically sought out someone who would help them get this message to those of us who were ready and able to accept the truth and move forward.
DEAN: Wel,l I would love to read that.
UNICUS: I think a lot people would benefit from reading it. I recently re-read it and was quite impressed. Shirley Maclain knows Charles Silva. He was the fictional character named David in her book/movie Out on a Limb. Mr. Silva is a real person. We have been in contact via letters and I find him to be a sincere gentleman.
DEAN: I've heard of Silva! I recall that name now, but I don't know that much about him.
UNICUS: He only wrote one book and it is a fascinating story.
DEAN: I think that every major religion on the planet owes its origins to a little bit of information to a little interference to a little bit of encouragement from advanced intelligence from out there.
Jesus, a man that I have always felt a loving closeness to, said as much. He said it repeatedly, but people didn't pay any attention. They didn't know what he was talking about. I'm also convinced that the events that happened in the cave with old Mohammed was the same type of event.
UNICUS: I'm sure you are correct about that. It is similar to what happened to Ezikel and Moses and Enoch.
DEAN: Well, they were all players
UNICUS: Wasn't Enoch the one who was taken up to heaven without dying and never came back to earth?
DEAN: Yes. He disappeared. It was said that he walked with God. Well we are talking about god with a little g here.
UNICUS: Yes. There is still a lot of confusion about that.
DEAN: There is a big difference between little g and big G.
UNICUS: I understand that. Only recently have I realized how confused this issue is, but I have been able to etymologically draw out how this came about. That is an issue that I have spent many hours researching and I will be publishing articles about soon.
DEAN: You are an unusual young man. I think you are particularly inspired and enlightened. And I want you to go ahead and do whatever your heart tells you to do. Publish, do whatever it takes to get it out Robert because it is in you.
UNICUS: Thank you. I also have a sense of urgency in that time appears to be running out.
DEAN: Well, the time is ripe!
UNICUS: I believe it's because our species is about to graduate; however, not everyone is going to get a passing grade.
DEAN: You're right.
UNICUS: And this is not an exam you can cheat on.
DEAN: That is one of the most mportant issues to discuss.
UNICUS: Yes. Who wants to bring ridicule upon themselves? But I have found that sharing this information is one of the greatest services we can offer at this time whether it is well received or not. The reason being if we don't do it now there won't be another time you can.
DEAN: We're running out of time.
UNICUS: Exactly. We are ending this particular cycle.
DEAN: Yes. And as you know this cycle is the conclusion of a 26,000-year period (a galactic year). We're closing down an entire age here.
UNICUS: And moving out of the third dimension apparently which is scientifically provable. I used to think it was a bunch of bunk, but recently I have started to understand the specific reason for that shift.
DEAN: As a student of history, I've been doing a lot of research and I know you have too about just what was it that the Mayan's knew? Why did they pick they 23rd of December in the year 2012 for the end of their calendar.
I believe that they knew a hell of a lot more than we give them credit for. And I believe that this 26,000-year cycle, the end of the Picean Age, which is the last sign of the zodiac, is part of this process.
I call it a transcendent transformation. I just spoke over in Santa Fe at the "Prophets Conference," and my God I was shocked at the response I got. They had over 200 people crammed into this room and I gave my little 2-hour presentation and afterwards I was mobbed!
Apparently what I said triggered something in these people that they either knew before, or just to here it again, so I think you're right. Those of us who have a glimmer are obligated to "light a candle in the dark."
UNICUS: I agree.
Is it possible for you to comment on any of the details of NATO's "The Assessment: An evaluation of the potential military threat to allied forces #3" that you read in the early ‘60s?
DEAN: All I can do is tell you that I read that document and it changed my life. It was not a very thorough document. You know I really had the time to study it as much as I would have liked. It was a military study, a 3 year thing, and they concluded that the reason for the study was an apparent threat to allied forces from "these guys" these whoever.
The report concluded there were at least 4 groups of ETI and that they had incredible technology. The report assumed that the ETI were not from this planet and that there was no threat involved.
UNICUS: I tend to agree with that, but I have to ask… if that assessment is accurate… who is benefiting from all the secrecy surrounding this subject and how can they justify keeping it secret if there is no threat?!
DEAN: Aha! You've touched on a real nerve there.
UNICUS: That was my intention.
DEAN: This is about the rotten sons-of-bitches, the bastards I call them because they are illegitimate. These are the guys who are in the government within our government that are not accountable.
There's no oversight to them. They are spending hundreds of billions of our tax dollars every year. Congress doesn't know for shit about what this group is all about. And these are the guys that have a personal involvement in keeping the lid on.
Now there are two reasons why. One of them is if they can keep us in the dark they can maintain their control over us. The other reason Robert is my God there is so damn much profit to be made in some of this technology Ñ if they can get a handle on it. And a lot of it is the result of recovered hardware...
UNICUS: Which is essentially stolen.
DEAN: Oh yeah, well what's even more strange is that not only have there been crashes and retrievals of hardware and apparently the shadow government has learned a hell of a lot from that through reverse engineering: really quite a bit.
So much so that they have been flying high tech objects our of Groom Lake and Area 51 that are probably not as good as the extraterrestrial stuff in so far as the line most people of aware of that we are playing around with ancient technology like Aurora and other gas-guzzling, sound busting enormously expensive and inefficient technology.
UNICUS: It's like using a hammer where a laser beam is required.
DEAN: And they have got their hands on some of the technology. But they don't want to let it go because that is power and money.
UNICUS: Yes, but what they apparently don't understand is if they would just incorporate that advanced technology into the world everyone would benefit.
DEAN: Well you know that and I know that, but these guys are so damn greedy and selfish that the minute they did that there would be a worldwide impact. First of all, the oil industry would literally collapse.
UNICUS: But a new energy industry would emerge.
DEAN: I know, but it would be at least 25 years for this traumatic transition would be complete and these guys don't want to go through that.
UNICUS: I sense that this spiritual transformation we have been talking about is eminent and is apparently preordained because we can't seem to evolve without some kind of outside intervention.
DEAN: Unfortunately, the powers that be, whoever the hell they are, can't handle this current spiritual transformation.
UNICUS: Really, why?
DEAN: Well, it's what I have concluded over thirty years of research that the controlling group, whoever and whatever they are, they are multinational they are multi-agency and they are most likely closest to what President Eisenhower tried to tell us just before he left about the "military industrial complex."
But it isn't just a two-part group now. You have to add to that the intelligence community and you've got yourself a damn nightmare.
UNICUS: Right.
DEAN: And I'm not talking about CIA - they're bad enough. I'm talking about the one organization that has more power than God does and that's the National Security Agency.
UNICUS: Yes. "The Puzzle Palace" is a fascinating book about that group.
DEAN: The NSA has had more power and has grown so fast that it has even gotten away from the executive, judicial and the legislative.
UNICUS: I believe the reason for that is because the NSA has acquired the ability to decrypt a lot of the communications that go on between the ETs. That intelligence is what gave them the controlling authority.
DEAN: Exactly.
UNICUS: And I'm sure they are listening to this conversation because they can pick up any electrical signal now. What I heard recently was if you have a cellular phone with the batteries in it even if the unit is not "on" the agency can force it to become active with a microwave signal and use it as a microphone.
DEAN: Well you're not supposed to tell them that you know that?
UNICUS: Oh? Well Project Echelon (not it's original name) included the electronic surveillance of politicians which runs parallel to what Ed Mitchell told you about the various branches of government being totally out of the loop.
DEAN: Exactly. You see these guys don't trust politicians. Well I'll be honest with you I have come to the point over the years where I don't trust them much anymore either.
UNICUS: Yeah, they are too easily bought or blackmailed.
DEAN: Most of them are for sale. I think you and I could probably count the number of good men in the Senate on the fingers of both hands. And we could probably count the number of good men in the House on our finders and toes. But that is a sad state of affairs.
UNICUS: It really is. You have worked very hard to get Congressional hearings on this matter. And I'm sure you have found many insightful, courageous military officers that have direct knowledge of UFO and ET affairs. Are there more military officers like Colonel Philip Corso waiting in the wings to come forward?
DEAN: Well there are a great number of them Robert that are dying off. I mean, I knew Phil well and I miss him terribly.
UNICUS: I'm sure you do.
DEAN: And he had only begun to say what he had known. He had another book that he was writing and his son and daughter in law are planning to get it published.
UNICUS: Yes. And they were smart to form a partnership with a good lawyer.
DEAN: Oh yeah! But Phil died, and when I talked to his son on the phone I said, "Look. Whatever he's got in the way of a manuscript copy it. Make copies and put the original in a safe deposit box. And don't let anybody get a handle on that."
So apparently they got an attorney and are planning to publish and I hope they do because Phil had a number of things that he had not put in his first book. I had a long conversation with him in Italy about a year before he died. We were both speaking at a big conference in Rome. And I got to know him well and I respect the old man.
He told me some things that would literally blow your socks off. And I was hoping that he would have lived long enough to put it down in print so I hope his son can get it out.
I want to go back to one issue that I think was amusing and I think you would enjoy. There was an item in the New York Times recently. It's not the greatest newspaper in the world, but it's a hell of a lot better than the Phoenix Republic.
And there was an article about the Australian government, I don't know if they call it the parliament of the house, but there was some very strong words spoken in their government that they were damn well ready to push for not renewing the American lease on the land at Pine Gap.
And they sighted the reason for this in part was due to the Americans or officials in the Australian government would not tell anyone what was going on at the Pine Gap complex. And a lot of them in the Parliament had gotten some information and some clues that something pretty damn big was going on at Pine Gap.
UNICUS: I'm pretty sure that they are still angry over the fact that the CIA basically set up and removed their Labour Party from office.
DEAN: Well you have done your homework haven't you? Yes, they have a right to be pissed. But I thought it was amusing that they were planing to renew the lease. I don't think they stand a snowballs chance in hell because that's NSA.
Besides the one in Yorkshire the one in Pine Gap is probably the largest one (signals intelligence station) in the world. And it is so cast and there is so much going on out there they will never tell the Australian government.
Menwith Hill is a NSA facility in Britain and if our conversation was not being picked up on earlier it sure as hell is now.
UNICUS: Yes. You uttered a key word. That's one of the most ingenious aspects of Echelon it's activated automatically by key words. The system only requires a relatively small staff to sift through literally mountains of data.
DEAN: Yes, and now we have mentioned both Pine Gap and Menwith Hill.
I walked around Menwith Hill once, but I was not invited in. And that facility is wonderful. It's unbelievable. And we run that one. “We” meaning the NSA.
UNICUS: They have stations placed all over the world and platforms in space. I understand Turkey is a very active area.
DEAN: I just got back from Istanbul and it was interesting how the Turkish security took care of us. They practically tucked us into bed at night.
UNICUS: Could you tell us the status of your long awaited book? I believe the working title is "The Time Has Come?"
DEAN: Yes, that was the title. But I regret to tell you that the manuscript was stolen by my ex-wife and her family. They cleaned me out of everything. And I'm still trying to put it all back together.
Maybe it was appropriate that it was done that way because it has forced me to re-edit and re-address some of the issues. But I'm still trying to put a book together. It will most likely not be as big as I originally thought, but I'm hoping that there may be enough in there that will be of interest. In the mean time, I'm still traveling and speaking.
I am like a Phoenix rising from the ashes after the trauma and heart break I went through. Loosing my family heirlooms and all of my military records and medals. You know I'm just going forward with what's left. So I'm traveling and speaking.
UNICUS: I wanted to tell you that I was abducted once in December of 1997 and once again in May of 1999. It is not something I like to admit, but this very real situation led me to discover many hidden aspects of my life during the emotional crisis that ensued due to those experiences.
DEAN: You know, I'm not at all surprised by what you have just shared with me. I would have assumed something like that, but I would have never mentioned it to you. I hate to tell you this young man, but you're a player in the game.
UNICUS: (nervous laughter) Thanks a lot...
DEAN: And you're not just a small fry. The fact that they have taken you and sampled you and tested you and I wouldn't be a bit surprised to find you have been implanted.
UNICUS: Or duplicated.
DEAN: Well there's nothing so terrible about that. They have been doing that for centuries.
UNICUS: The reason I even mention cloning is that prior to the first time I was abducted in 1997, I was working for a Japanese corporation doing future technology trend studies. My manager had me write a report regarding the increased longevity of humans and how that would affect the market and the economy.
It didn't seem natural. I felt that we didn't have the maturity needed to safely walk that path, but it was an assignment and I really couldn't say no. So I learned a lot about the subject in a short time and because of that, I knew that the area of my body that I had been "experimented" on by the ETs was the location of “Germ Cells” which are responsible for making stem cells, which in turn make sperm and ova in humans.
In a normal mature human body the vast majority of the cells are somatic which are incomplete copies. Germ Cells, however, are a complete genetic copy of who we are.
DEAN: It creates everything.
UNICUS: Yes. On a physical level. The point I'm making is that it's a complete copy as opposed to an incomplete copy. That was one of the obstacles scientists ran into cloning animals, the clones aged too quickly because they began their life with incomplete cells. As we age, every time a cell divides it looses some of the genetic information stored at both ends of it self. These layers of information are called telomers.
DEAN: Well long ago, before you were born on this planet you made a decision to participate in this process. And you joined the right group.
UNICUS: Thank you.
DEAN: And I tell you that intuitively from the depth of my heart. You belong to the good guys. Don't ever worry about that.
UNICUS: Thanks Bob… so do you.
DEAN: The struggle between good and evil has been going on since the beginning.
UNICUS: Yes. I think that's a universal process.
DEAN: You read all of our ancient religious records, and it isn't just theological text the message is clearly laid out: the light vs. the dark. Well, it's a lot more than just that. I don't want to get into the cosmic aspect of the eternal struggle, but each of us has to make a choice in our own time.
UNICUS: Especially here. It seems to be an integral part of the curriculum?
DEAN: It's a battle ground. This is where you make your choices. This is where you play your game.
UNICUS: It seems particularly tough here...
DEAN: This is one of the toughest schools in the universe. There has often been an interesting little thing from the other side; if you can graduate from planet earth you've earned yourself a master’s degree.
UNICUS: Yes. I guess you're right. It's a lot of work.
DEAN: In closing I want to tell you something. I've just about given up on government. You know my original idea of pushing Congress to hold open hearings? I learned a year or two ago that there wasn't a snowball's chance in hell of that happening.
I spent some time with my son in Washington on Capitol Hill. And I visited several House and Senate offices and found the same damn thing. They won't touch this subject with a ten-foot pole.
UNICUS: Right.
DEAN: Frankly, they're scared.
UNICUS: That's not real leadership.
DEAN: They don't know that. They don't want to know. And the Senators and Congressmen wont even get close to addressing this subject. So I have given up on congressional hearings.
I've given up on any kind of official disclosure and I'm leaving it to my good friends up stairs to handle the agenda and break the disclosure when they think the time is right.
UNICUS: Even then, that revelation is only going to be received well by a minority of people, as far as I can tell. Recently Life magazine published a poll of a segment of the American people regarding UFOs and ETs. And the majority of the people believe there are UFOs, but a smaller group believes there are extraterrestrials. I don't understand the logic there.
DEAN: Well polls can be manipulated.
UNICUS: Oh absolutely.
DEAN: I think that a lot more people know the truth than have ever acknowledged it publicly.
UNICUS: Absolutely. There are so many people I have met that are hesitant to come forward - and for good reason. While working at an international corporation, I made the mistake of discussing my beliefs and insights. This only created more turmoil.
So I can only imagine the problems that would come up if a high-level executive or government official began speaking up about this issue at work. And I know that some of them have had personal experiences of direct knowledge of this phenomenon. It's no wonder that so many of them are on psychotropic medication.
DEAN: Oh it's devastating to most of them. The higher they are in the system the more devastating it is to confront this issue. That's why some of them go over the edge.
UNICUS: I want to thank you for being so generous with your time. It has been a pleasure to speak with you Bob.
DEAN: It has been a delight talking with you my boy... take care of yourself.